national development plan (NDPs)

In order to actualize the 30-year National Vision aspirations, the National Planning Authority coordinates the development of six successive 5-year medium-term plans – the National Development Plans (NDPs) to be implemented by the different actors at the national and decentralized levels of administration.

The 5-year National Development Plans outline the macroeconomic growth targets, medium-term specific objectives and strategies, as well as priority public sector development programmes, which are subsequently elaborated in the Programme Implementation Action Plans (PIAPs), the Strategic Plans of the different Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and the Local Government Development Plans (LGDPs).

The 5-year NDPs also specify key annualized monitorable indicators and targets, through which the respective Plans are to be achieved and the envisaged role of the private sector and civil society. The NDPs are costed, with annualized budgets as well as mid-term projection of the resource envelope under the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).

The Third National Development Plan FY2020/21 – FY2024/25 (NDPIII)

This is the third in a series of six NDPs that will guide the nation in delivering the aspirations articulated in Uganda Vision 2040.

The goal of the NDPIII was to “Increase Household Incomes and Improved Quality of Life of Ugandans” to be pursued under the overall theme of “Sustainable Industrialization for inclusive growth, employment and sustainable wealth creation”.

The objectives of the Plan were:

  1. Enhance value addition in key growth opportunities;
  2. Strengthen the private sector to create jobs;
  3. Consolidate and increase the stock and quality of productive infrastructure;
  4. Enhance the productivity and social wellbeing of the population; and,
  5. Strengthen the role of the state in guiding and facilitating development.

The NDPIII introduced the programme approach to planning to:

  • Focus implementation on delivery of common results, including SDGs, East African Community targets and Africa Agenda 2063 targets. This was because achievement of results specified in these development frameworks does not neatly fall within any particular sector;
  • Strengthen alignment and eliminate the ‘silo’ approach to service delivery and enhance synergies across sectors and other actors; and
  • Provide a framework for the already existing programme-based budgeting.
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NDP III – English
NDP III – Luganda
NDP III – Kiswahili
NDP III – Lusoga
NDP III – Runyakitara
NDP III – Ateso
NDP III – Acholi
NDP III – Langi

The Second National Development Plan FY2015/16 – FY2019/20 (NDPII)

This National Development Plan (NDPII) is the second in a series of six five-year Plans aimed at achieving the Uganda Vision 2040. The goal of the NDPII was to “attain middle income status by 2020”. This will be realized through strengthening the country’s competitiveness for sustainable wealth creation, employment and inclusive growth.

The Plan set four key objectives to be attained during the five-year period. These are:

  • increasing sustainable production, productivity and value addition in key growth opportunities;
  • increasing the stock and quality of strategic infrastructure to accelerate the country’s competitiveness;
  • enhancing human capital development; and
  • strengthening mechanisms for quality, effective and efficient service delivery.

The NDPII prioritized investment in three key growth opportunities which are: Agriculture; Tourism; Minerals, Oil and Gas, as well as in two fundamentals: Infrastructure and Human Capital Development. Investment in the five priority areas was to follow the entire value chains, which guided the identification of priority projects and interventions in these areas. This was intended to rally the various players along the value chains, while maximizing sectoral linkages and increasing efficiency in resource use.

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The First National Development Plan FY2010/11 - FY2014/15 (NDPI)

The First National Development Plan National Development Plan (NDP I) covered the fiscal period FY2010/11 to FY2014/15. The theme of the Plan was “Growth, Employment and Socio-Economic Transformation for Prosperity”. The thrust was to accelerate socio-economic transformation to achieve the Uganda Vision 2040.

The NDP I aimed at creating employment, raising average per capita income levels, improving the labour force distribution in line with sectoral GDP shares, raising country human development and gender equality indicators, and improving the country’s competitiveness to levels associated with middle income countries.

The objectives of the Plan were:

  • Increasing household incomes and promoting equity;
  • Enhancing the availability and quality of gainful employment;
  • Improving stock and quality of economic infrastructure;
  • Increasing access to quality social services;
  • Promoting science, technology, innovation and ICT to enhance competitiveness;
  • Enhancing human capital development;
  • Strengthening good governance, defence and security;
  • Promoting sustainable population and the use of environmental and natural resources

The NDPI conceptual framework known as the “egg concept” was aimed at harnessing inter-sectoral linkages, functional relationships and synergies among economic sectors which have in the past received insufficient attention.

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